What is the Scopi strategic planning platform?

Scopi is software that helps in the creation and execution of strategic planning, integrating scenario analysis, strategic map, goals, projects, processes, tasks and people all in one place .

Scopi also notifies by e-mail if goals are being met, whether a project is winning, whether an action is delayed, and what the team is working on. You can also access the mobile version that allows you to monitor targets, consult individual and team actions, and schedule tasks, anytime, anywhere.

Main advantages of Scopi


It decomposes the planning process.

The scopi is all intuitive and shows you a step by step planning.


Streamlines the tracking of goals, projects and tasks.

Coordinators receive warnings about the data being registered.


It integrates different parts of a plan and all levels of the organization.

Goals and action plans (projects) are linked to the objectives of the map.


Improves team productivity and communication.

Graphs and reports show the percentages of delay and completion by responsible.


Qualifies deliveries of actions and projects.

Before a project and its actions win those responsible are notified.


It preserves the history of the organization.

In one place, everything stays registered, making it easy to find.


Registration of CANVAS items.

CANVAS display panel with SWOT linked.

Possibility of creating multiple CANVAS.

Registration of SWOT and PESTAL items.

Attribution of weights, through the GUT and IUT method.

SWOT visualization panel with weight, term of validity and linked projects.

Chart balancing SWOT items.

Strategic posture chart.

Favorability Chart

Philosophy Register with Mission, Vision, Values and Critical Success Factors.

Register of Perspectives, Themes and Strategic Objectives, forming the Strategic Map

Strategic Map visualization panel with the percentage of performance per goal reached.

Strategic Map visualization panel with performance percentage for completed projects.

Register of indicators and targets.

FCA Registration (Fact – Cause – Action).

Classification of indicators in three levels (operational, tactical and strategic).

Parameterization of goal tolerance.

Creation of indicators fed automatically by formulas.

Inclusion of comments per cast.

Option to register the comparative benchmark.

Duplication of indicators based on the existing model.

Indicator control panel per month with target flag (traffic light) reached, goal not reached and in tolerance.

Indicator control panel per year with goal flag (traffic light) reached, goal not reached and tolerance.

Graph with Indicator and Target data for the defined periods.

Filter indicators by perspective, goal, creator, coordinator, responsible, level, status.

Feature of projecting indicator from its trend

Updating Batch Indicators

Option to export and import flag

Option to integrate with other Systems via API

Link of projects and processes with the Strategic Map

Panel PSR (Profit Sharing and Results)

Register of projects and processes with coordinator, deadlines, description of actions with responsible and deadlines.

Record of justifications, premises and restrictions.

Register of costs with forecast payments and receipts and cash flow.

Risk register with estimated impact, probability and countermeasure.

Meeting scheduling, with recurrence option.

Publication of news and suggestions related to the project and process.

Archiving of classified documents into folders.

Project and process monitoring panel with status and progress flag for each project and process.

Action control panel with status indicator of each action depending on the start and end prediction and notice of the number of extensions.

Interdependence between actions with automatic calculation of the prediction of start and end dates of subsequent action.

Automatic recalculation of start and end dates for interdependent actions with baseline recording.

Option of hierarchizing projects and processes and their actions in levels.

Record of comments per action with automatic notification to the project coordinator and process.

Action marker with start and end prediction changed.

Share Gain Chart.

Filter projects and processes by perspective, goal, creator, coordinator, responsible, date, level, status.

Action filter by creator, responsible, date, level, status.

Replication feature of projects and processes.

Duplication feature of one-step actions.

Subscriber registration.

Updating forecast dates and start/end dates for batch actions.

Renewing processes in cycles by reprogramming actions, dates, and managers.

Option to export the project plan and process.

Linking of projects and processes with SWOT and with the Strategic Map.

Project Analytical Framework (EAP).


Favorite Goals.

Goal Ranking.

Ranking of Projects and Actions to be Completed.

Ranking of Projects and Actions completed.

Predicted and Performed.

General dashboard.

Strategic Planning Assessor.

Notice for launching indicators, projects, processes, actions, news and meetings.

Notice of projects, processes, actions and meetings winning.

Notice of delay of projects, processes and actions with deadline of beginning or end expired.

Outdated indicator warning with goal status.

Deadline notice of SWOT items.

Notice of cost with payment due.

Parameterization of the frequency of warnings due to delay and prevention.

Report of projects and processes by perspective, objective, coordinator, period, status.

Reports of actions by project and process, responsible, period, status.

Coordinators productivity report.

Productivity report of those responsible for the actions.

Project and process costs report.

Report of indicators by strategic objective, period, priority, goal status.

Published news report and stored documents.

Report of projects and processes by perspective, objective, coordinator, period, status.

Reports of actions by project and process, responsible, period, status.

Coordinators productivity report.

Productivity report of those responsible for the actions.

Project and process costs report.

Report of indicators by strategic objective, period, priority, goal status.

Published news report and stored documents.

Scopi is helping in the organization and control of my architectural work, the dream of every architect. Through it I follow the situation of the projects, which is up to date and delayed, allowing to give a more accurate return to the client, without doubt, without suppositions. In architecture and civil construction it is increasingly difficult to keep track of activities, they are many variables.


I really enjoyed using SCOPI as a tool for project work, indicator control and task control. I recommend the use of SCOPI in project management and task management, and much more.


The ease of unifying the main tools through Scopi enabled the Ernesto Borges Advogados Office to improve the information management of indicators, projects and SWOT analysis of the various areas in which it operates. The support allows the monitoring of the strategic planning, as well as monitoring the results in an efficient way, which assists in the continuous improvement, offering the necessary engagement to meet the demands of our clients.


The need to keep our organization alive and competitive led us to seek a management based on technical and less empirical deliberations. Then, we know about SCOPI, an intelligent management tool that connects the different perspectives of the company, in a logical way and favoring efficiency.


Scopi is an excellent working tool for companies of different sizes. As a user, I was very satisfied with the practicality and ease of inclusion of the data and statistical accompaniments.



There are two major problems that undermine growth and jeopardize management: lack of strategic planning and difficulty in implementing it. Scopi brings together a set of strategic planning tools that facilitate the construction of planning and monitoring of its execution. The intuitive form of strategic planning software Scopi does not require of its users high expertise. Even the one who does not have deep knowledge in planning can define the steps of his strategic planning and achieve great results.

Scopi helps in analyzing opportunities and threats, defining objectives and goals, building and monitoring projects and processes, and managing tasks. To keep the manager and his work team always connected, Scopi sends email notifications, when an indicator is outdated, a project is winning, an action is delayed. It is the vision of the whole and of all, integrating strategic and operational in one place. More than strategic planning software, Scopi helps you put together a strategic management model and more: it helps you gain the time needed to do what you did not plan.